Sailboats - Cruising

15' RoG Micro-Cruiser

JF Bedard

An expedition micro that will accommodate 2 adults for a week-end or a single-hander for up to 5 days. Ability to take on some weather and deliver solid performance while doing so. For the crew: forgiving and predictable but fast & fun. Launch time should be kept to a minimum.

Pucan cutter

Nick Branson

Being a big fan of the Irish Pucan and I’m hoping to make building in wood both simpler and more straightforward. An encouragement for builders to have a go at building their own boat.

Lion 550 Adrenaline

Unik Yachts

Lion 550 Adrenaline, light boat, trailer envelope can significantly expand the geography of travel and take the owners a lot of positive emotions and adrenaline.

Lion 800

Unik Yachts

New Lion 800 is a continuation of a series of plywood yacht designed by the company Unik Yachts.

The main idea of a series of yachts Lion is to maximize the manufacturability of the design and the ability to self-built yacht from a kit of parts cut on the CNC machine.

Design No. 165

George Whisstock

A development from our very successful and popular Design No.

Lion 600

Unik Yachts

600 Lion Yacht project despite its small size, has a spacious interior, and allows you to comfortably make trips to the inland waters and coastal seas.

Mini Skeeter Iceboat

John Eisenlohr

The Mini Skeeter was made primarily as a fun leisure iceboat that I could use on smaller lakes. The goal I was aiming for is a small, comfortable, warm iceboat that looks elegant. The fuselage is about slightly more than10′ long. The beam is 82″.

Daysailer 30'

Paolo Lodigiani and Matteo Costa

If we have to base ourselves on market demand before 2008, the two daysailers that we propose are very small. At that time, generally characterized by a continuous increase in boat size, it seemed as though a daysailer could not be less than 12 m, (even better if it exceeded 15 m).

PUCK 550

Paolo Lodigiani

The PUCK reflects the spirit of the original class which was to create a boat used in regattas but also suitable for coastal cruising, easy to carry and inexpensive.

Stradivari Mk IV

Hasse malmsten

This is a design for the 2.4mR class. The measurement formula is the same as for the bigger sisters like the famous 12mR yachts once used for the Americas Cup. As the down-scaling would leave the boat with to little righting moment there has been some adjustments to take care of this.