Oar / Paddle
The length of the American Whitehall of the 19th century was between 13′ and 23′. 16′ was the most typical length and the boats were built for 2 or 3 rowers.
If you’re in the market for a boat to build, this directory of Boat Plans & Kits is a fine place to start. And if your company sells plans or kits, we invite you to list your offerings here. There is no charge for listing, but the FEATURED BOATS MUST BE BUILT OF WOOD.
To refine your search of this directory, use quotation marks. If you search Nutshell Pram Kit, you’ll receive all the listings that include the words Nutshell, Pram, and Kit. To refine your search, enter “Nutshell Pram Kit”; you’ll then see only the results for Nutshell Pram kits.
To refine your search, add quote marks. If you search Nutshell Pram Kit, you will get all the listings which include Nutshell, Pram, and Kit. To refine, search “Nutshell Pram Kit” and you’ll see just Nutshell Pram Kit results.
The length of the American Whitehall of the 19th century was between 13′ and 23′. 16′ was the most typical length and the boats were built for 2 or 3 rowers.
Developed in response to requests from heavier and wider paddlers who also wanted a shorter boat, this stable load carrier is excellent for the novice kayaker.
The FireBug is a small sailboat or yacht that you can amateur build at home, sailing club or school, then learn to sail. It's easy to sail and will be the fastest boat on the bay. Low cost too!
In the spring of 2013, I started to write a book called, How to Design a Boat using SketchUp 3D Software. The subject matter was my design, ‘Kalostyn’.
4.80 m Plywood stitch & glue touring canoe. Only two plywood sheets are needed!
LYS stands for Lumber Yard Skiff. These rugged flat bottom work skiffs were originally designed to be built using materials readily found in most lumber yards- underlayment plywood and spruce framing.
Elegant, lightweight, sailing/rowing skiff. Construction: glued lapstrake plywood. Alternative construction: carvel, strip. No lofting is required. Plans include 6 sheets and instruction booklet.
The design of Sportfish 570 comes from a collaboration with a Senegalese society, with the aim of creating fishing vessels for inland waters of modern conception.
Oceangoing carvel-planked cruiser with a choice of centerboard or ballast keel configurations.
Construction: Carvel planked over sawn frames.
Alternative construction: Strip.
Lofting is required.
Plans include 7 sheets.
Built by owner in 2023 to lines and offsets in The Dory Book by John Gardner.
34' Fred Lenfesty lobster pleasure, 1981. Moonshine. 2014 Crusader 425-hp.
1960 16’ Thompson Seacoaster w/ 1963 Evinrude 40-hp Big Twin outboard.