VILA 620
VILA 620 is the intermediate model of the VILA family of three small planing motor cruisers/fisherman designed for amateur boat builders.
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VILA 620 is the intermediate model of the VILA family of three small planing motor cruisers/fisherman designed for amateur boat builders.
Prospector “Ranger” 15 — a pocket-sized prospector.The Prospector models built by the Chestnut Canoe Company were made in lengths from 12 to 18 ft.
This 24' Australian design provides three arrangements to choose from-a small cuddy, or two cabin styles.
Construction is plywood with a single hard-chine.
Construction: Plywood planking over sawn frames.
Alternative construction: Strip.
Lofting is required.
The Flats River Skiff is a light, compact and stable solo skiff to access shallow water. The boat combines the features of a paddle board (SUP), kayak, and jon boat to deliver a multi-purpose boat that can be handled by one person.
Late 19th-century skimming-dish sloop designed by Isaac P.
Small enough to load on top of a car, but large enough to seat two adults...
Considered a smaller version of the well-loved Calendonia Yawl, the Whillyboat also takes its cues from traditional Norwegian small craft, and is an ideal daysailer.
Building won't be at all daunting, as she's glue-lap-ply construction, and upkeep will be a snap.
Construction: Glued lapstrake plywood.
Alternative construction: Traditional plank, cold molded and strip plank.
No Lofting required.
Plans include 10 sheets.
Based loosely on the Folkboat, this plywood lapstrake double-ender combines comforting rough-water ability, and good looks.
Construction: Lapstrake plywood over laminated frames.
Alternative construction: Traditional plank on frame, strip or cold-molded.
Norwegian-influenced rowing/sailing craft designed for glued-lap plywood construction.
Constuction: Glued lapstrake plywood
No lofting is required.
Plans include 8 sheets.
Built by owner in 2023 to lines and offsets in The Dory Book by John Gardner.
34' Fred Lenfesty lobster pleasure, 1981. Moonshine. 2014 Crusader 425-hp.
1960 16’ Thompson Seacoaster w/ 1963 Evinrude 40-hp Big Twin outboard.