November / December 2019

Remembering Sam Manning

A gallery of inspiring illustrations
Sam Manning

Sam Manning, 1930–2019

This image of bending frames, from Bud McIntosh’s classic book How to Build a Wooden Boat, shows Sam Manning’s skill at creating an instructive, accurate, detailed drawing—because he knew exactly how to do what he was portraying. Bud and Sam had both contributed to WoodenBoat magazine, but when they agreed to collaborate on a book, we knew it was a perfect fit. The process was smooth, the writer and the illustrator were in accord, the editors were thrilled, and our task was simply to put the pieces together. Sam had an encyclopedic understanding of boatbuilding and tool use. He shared that knowledge generously, teaching and advising, making a wide circle of friends over the years. A continual stream of those friends visited Sam in his last month, sharing stories, reading aloud, bringing food, and making music with him. (Sam’s instrument was the harmonica.) He was loved and appreciated by so many.

Jennifer Bunting, former executive editor

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From This Issue

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Crash boat.

The most amazing thing happened,” says Jerry Tretter. The year was 2005 and

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A 60' schooner would be a big project even for a fully staffed boatyard, but

Issue No. 271

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The schooner ERNESTINA

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Classic Racing Sloop

“SEVERN II” International 8 metre class, Sira cup division. LOA 14.86, Beam 2.56, Draft 1.95.