Year Built:

no longer listed on USCG or on Classic Yacht Association
No update since 2013.

NAVCAT Limousine


The “NAVCAT Limousine” is a premium mode of transport with chauffeur.

Designed for 18 km/hr top speed with a range of approx. 10hrs at 8km/hr.

Pacific Power Dory

Builder Name:
Nick Slamp; Jim Slamp

Fiberglass cloth/epoxy and marine plywood on pine frame powered by 30hp Suzuki. During construction of interior we added mahogany rail caps and a front anchor locker with seat and hardware.

15' RoG Micro-Cruiser

JF Bedard

An expedition micro that will accommodate 2 adults for a week-end or a single-hander for up to 5 days. Ability to take on some weather and deliver solid performance while doing so. For the crew: forgiving and predictable but fast & fun. Launch time should be kept to a minimum.

Narrowboat Semi Trad

Nick Branson

Bow and stern of English traditional narrowboat. Cutting files to produce a kit of steel parts for assembly. The midsection is a parralel box that can vary between 20 and 40ft. The midsection is produced by folding steel plate then adding the bow and stern.

Kajoo Sport

Marcin Bober & Miroslaw Sziwa

Kajoo Sport the skin on frame kayak. Design to 100% lashed, but it is possible to use also glue. Design by team Marcin Bober and Miroslaw Sziwa. Total weight of kayak 16Kg.

Plans available worldwide.
Kit in Europe (please ask for the price).