Carolina Sportfish 23
The CS23 is an offshore boat based on the Carolina Sport Fishing boats lines.
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The CS23 is an offshore boat based on the Carolina Sport Fishing boats lines.
An easy-to-build boat designed to ship as a kit in a flat pack box. Everything needed to complete the boat, except the motor, is included in the kit.
A charming, shoal-draft, carvel-planked cruiser for two.Wenda possesses a timeless elegance.She’ll work her magic in the 21st century as she did in the 19th.Construction: Carvel planking over steamed frames.Alternative construction: Cold-molded or lapstrake plywood.Lofting is required.Plans inclu
MARSH HEN offers seaworthy and seakindly performance, good speeds with modest horsepower, and handsome looks. Her plywood construction is more accessible to amateur builders.
This beautiful 11′ 2″ dinghy is similar in construction to the Nutshell Pram, although it is slightly larger, with a pointed bow.Construction: Glued-lapstrake plywood.Alternative construction: Traditional lapstrake.No lofting is required.Plans include 5 sheets.
A versatile 4-metre open utility / runabout for river and inland lake use, built in taped-seam plywood.
This design was inspired by Ross Lillistone’s “Water Rat”. The bow transom was replaced by a pointed stem. Also the internal volume and from there the displacement of the boat were increased by about 20%. Changes were made to the seating arrangement as well.
21′ 2″ Inboard/outboard runabout, built of marine plywood.Several design options include center console, outboard as well as inboard/outboard.And, configurations also include different heights for the windshield.Construction: Plywood.Lofting is required.Plans include 5 sheets.
Built by owner in 2023 to lines and offsets in The Dory Book by John Gardner.
34' Fred Lenfesty lobster pleasure, 1981. Moonshine. 2014 Crusader 425-hp.
1960 16’ Thompson Seacoaster w/ 1963 Evinrude 40-hp Big Twin outboard.