Sailboats - Cruising
Clyde One Design
In the spring of 1899 several members of the Clyde Corinthians sailing club asked Alfred Mylne to design a new class of yacht. The Clyde one-design 20-tonners as they were known were very popular and described by the Yacht Racing on the Clyde review of 1899 as “able and comfortable at sea, fairly speedy on the race course and prepossessing to the eye”. At a cost of just £900 each they were also relatively cheap.Initially five boats were made in this class, called Avalon, Noyra, Snarley-Yow, Tigris and Vagrant.Tigris remains the last example of this class and graces the mediterranean sailing circuit every year.Over 400 more original Vintage and Classic designs for the professional boat builder available at www.mylne.com
Design Specifications
14 Halketts Hall Limekilns Dunfermline Fife KY11 3HJPhone: +44 1383 873464