Oar / Paddle

Relaunched 1987 Glouster Light Dory

Relaunched: Phil Bolger designed Gloucester Light Dory built in 1987 by David Bush guided by ‘Dynamite’ Payson (4 x 16 marine ply, bronze ring-shank nails into red oak chine logs & glass /epoxy).

Rowed on Lake Tahoe for five years with indoor storage in Reno before a move to to the PNW, where it was left outdoors under tarp cover the first winter. Boat did not adjust well. Plywood swelled to the point of cracking fiberglass at chines. Moved to indoor heated storage and sanded inside and out to allow ply to breathe/ adjust. Left in that state for three decades before refinishing with fiberglass set in epoxy and marine paint.

Relaunched at Port Townsend April 09, 2024. Plan to explore both Salish Sea and freshwater PNW lakes.

From the Community

Register of Wooden Boats

Register of Wooden Boats

RANDOM Hurricane 30

RANDOM was built in 1949 in Sausalito, CA by Nunes Bros Boatyard.

Register of Wooden Boats


The owners of MV INVADER have recently completed a re-fit from the keel up at a cost of $2 millio

Register of Wooden Boats


ARTEMIS is a John Atkin design, (#772 Wanderer), that my father started building in 1957 and I fi
