Mike's Drift Boat Skif
My first attempt at building anything out of wood was what I call the Drift Boat Skiff. The Drift Boat Skiff is plans built from the book, “THE WEEK END SKIFF” BY Richard Butz and John Montague. The Drift Boat Skiff has several modifications in seating, transom width, and oar lock placements, all to make it more “friendly” when negotiating the tight, shallow, and fast Michigan trout streams. It can be rowed from each of the 3 seats, the backs of which snap off and can face either direction. It can also be paddled, a necessity to get past downed trees and rocks on a tight river. The Drift Boat Skiff is 13′6″ and 44″ wide.
The Drift Boat Skiff was launched on the Au Sable River and Manistee River in June, 2014.