Hands-on learning through the Wisdom of the Hands program at Clear Spring (AR) School resulted in BLUE WHALE, a boat designed by students to hold the 10-member high school class. Doug Stowe writes that "it started as a suggestion from high school students as an activity integrated with the study of world history." Laminated ribs, longitudinal strips, and gunwales, were covered with "nylon reinforced plastic tarp skin, with duct tape for repairs. With the exception of the tarp (which was previously used to protect books when the roof was replaced on the Berryville [AR] Public Library), it is completely biodegradable. When the tarp gets too badly worn, it can be pulled and replaced...or, it can be pulled and the boat allowed to compost, as in being made and launched it has fulfilled its educational mission." http://www.clearspringschool.org/