The Adventure Series: The Voyage around the Americas: An Environmental Adventure

Mystic Seaport’s Adventure Series program for January is “The Voyage around the Americas: An Environmental Adventure” by Herb McCormick at 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

In June of 2009, the 64-foot cutter OCEAN WATCH set sail from Seattle with a crew of sailors, scientists, journalists, and conservationists on a quest to learn more about the health and well-being of the world’s oceans. Thirteen months and 28,000 nautical miles later, they returned to the Pacific Northwest after a voyage around the Americas via the Northwest Passage and Cape Horn. The journey’s premise was simple: The continents of North and South America are a single island surrounded by a common ocean and what happens in any one place ultimately affects us all. But while that notion was straightforward, what the crew ultimately discovered during their travels was anything but. A former yachting correspondent for The New York Times and editor-in-chief of Cruising World magazine, Herb was one of the four full-time crew aboard OCEAN WATCH and is the author of the new book about the expedition, One Island, One Ocean.

The River Room at Latitude 41° Restaurant, 105 Greenmanville Ave., Mystic, Connecticut

Tickets required: order by calling 860-572-5322 or online.

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