Advanced Lofting at Gig Harbor BoatShop


In this workshop we’ll continue lofting the dinghy we started in the introductory workshop. This time we’ll lay out stem rabbet, transom bevels, and bulkheads. We’ll also develop construction details such backbone construction and fastening.

Session runs Wednesday, Thursday, Friday | February 12, 13, 14, 2020

6 pm to 9 pm

Fee for Workshop + Materials: Non-members $175 | Members $150

Location: Gig Harbor BoatShop Joiner Shop

The class size is limited to 4 people

Call (253) 857-9344 or email for reservations

Gig Harbor BoatShop 3805 Harborview Drive Gig Harbor, WA 98332

Gig Harbor BoatShop
(253) 857-9344

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