Sailboats - Daysailers

16' Melonseed Skiff

Marc Barto

Lapstrake-plywood daysailer with a shapely wineglass transom, unstayed sprit rig, and wide, flat, keels for easy trailering.

Construction: Lapstrake plywood planking over steam bent frames.

Alternative construction: Cold-molded or strip.

No lofting is required.

13' 4" Melonseed skiff

Marc Barto

Lapstrake-plywood daysailer with a shapely wineglass transom, unstayed sprit rig, and wide, flat, keels for easy trailering.

Construction: Lapstrake plywood planking over steam-bent frames.

Alternative construction: Cold-molded or strip.

No lofting is required.

Tammie Norrie

Iain Oughtred

Construction — Glued lapstrake clinker plywood. Alternative construction —Traditional plank, cold molded and strip plank. No Lofting required. Plans include 7 sheets with instructions. Sail Area — Lug 65 sq. ft. Sloop 84 sq. ft. Yawl 81 sq. ft.

Catboat Tom Cat

William Garden

Tom Cat is a shoal draft catboat of plank-on-frame construction, but strip construction would do as well.

Lofting is required.

Sail area is 120 sq. ft.

Plan includes 9 sheets.

16' Perfect Skiff –Weld

Stephen Weld

The flat-bottomed skiff can be both the most and least refined craft afloat.Popular by their ease of construction.Construction: Plywood planking over bulkhead frames.Alternative construction: Cross-planked bottom, planked sides (details included).Lofting is required.Plans include 5 sheets, and in

14' 6" Whilly Boat

Iain Oughtred

Considered a smaller version of the well-loved Calendonia Yawl, the Whillyboat also takes its cues from traditional Norwegian small craft, and is an ideal daysailer.

Building won't be at all daunting, as she's glue-lap-ply construction, and upkeep will be a snap.

14' 10" Outboard SPRITE

Atkin & Co.

An outboard skiff with a wide bottom and moderate rocker that contribute to stability and the ability to carry weight back aft.
Construction: Cross-planked bottom, lapstrake sides

Alternative construction: Plywood or glued-lapstrake plywood

Lofting is required

19' 6" Caledonia Yawl

Iain Oughtred

Derived from traditional Norwegian small craft, this handsome double-ender performs as well as a daysailer and beach cruiser.

Clean, frameless, glued-lapstrake plywood hull means, easy construction, happy trailering, and low maintenance.

Construction: Glued lapstrake plywood.

13' 9" Willy Winship

John Atkin

Flat-bottomed sailing skiff. Plans options include cross-planked or plywood bottom.

Construction: Cross-planked bottom, lapstrake sides

Alternative constuction: Plywood, glued lapstrake plywood

Lofting is required

Plans include 4 sheets.

22' Fox Island Class

Joel White

This double-ended sloop combines genuine tradition and modern performance.

Construction: Glued-lapstrake plywood over laminated frames.

Lofting is required.

Plans include 4 sheets.