Sailboats - Daysailers
Tammie Norrie
Construction — Glued lapstrake clinker plywood. Alternative construction —Traditional plank, cold molded and strip plank. No Lofting required. Plans include 7 sheets with instructions. Sail Area — Lug 65 sq. ft. Sloop 84 sq. ft. Yawl 81 sq. ft. 8 strakes per side. Space stations at 21″ and you have a 14′ 6″ boat, and at 22″ you have a 15′ 2″ boat.Note: Sheet 3 was corrected in 2013, to reflect 7′ 8″, 2.34m (instead of 6' 8" or 2.13m) for the head of the balanced lugsail.
Design Specifications
The WoodenBoat Store
Post Office Box 78
Brooklin, Maine 04616 USA
Phone: 1.800.273.7447