Traditional Canoe

Builder Name:
Don Warfield, Phil Andrews, and Lamar Keeney

During August 2010, Don Warfield, Phil Andrews, and Lamar Keeney were among the students who took Jerry Stelmok’s class in Traditional Wood-and-Canvas Canoe Construction at the WoodenBoat School in Brooklin, ME.

Puddle Duck Canoe

Builder Name:
Tom Wakefield

Tom Wakefield built this 14′ Puddle Duck Canoe with plans from Gil Gilpatrick. He built the 45 lb hull from 1/4″ clear pine then coated it with fiberglas cloth and epoxy. The rails are from clear pine and mahogany.


Builder Name:
Dave and Raleigh Singleton

Dave Singleton took this picture of his son, Raleigh, sitting in their 18′ Peace Canoe, GENTLE, that the two of them built from instructions in “Getting Started” in WoodenBoat Nos. 195 and 196. John C.

The Jacqueline Skiff II

Builder Name:
Jonathan L Schneiderman

Exactly 2 months from the day I began my kayak building adventure at The WoodenBoat School, I christened and launched my Shearwater Sport on Lake Champlain. What a joy to finally see it in the water!


Builder Name:
Erick and Ann Singleman

Erick and Ann Singleman took the plans for Iain Oughtred’s Wee Rob Double-Paddle Canoe and modified them so the two of them could paddle it together. They added a second seatback, raised the coaming, and made the placement of the seats adjustable for 1 or 2 paddlers.


Builder Name:
James McGorry

James McGorry of Aurora, Colorado, built this 17′ LOA kayak relying on information from Nick Schade’s two articles on building the 10′ Nymph kayak that appeared in WB 199 and 200. He made the hull and outer rail from basswood, and the  stems, seat, backrest, and inner rail from mahogany.


Builder Name:
Ed Storey & the Ness Yawl Class of 2011

Sundowner had her humble beginnings at the WoodenBoat School’s 2011 Glued Lapstrake class taught by Geoff Kerr. I was fortunate enough to take her home and finish the work we had started. A local mill supplied the cherry, walnut, and pine which I used to finish the hull.


Builder Name:
Scott Gifford

MYSTIC was designed and built to be used in the thin waters of Westport MA. She is hard chined, flat bottomed, and has a full keel with an inboard rudder. She was built with local woods and re-purposed hardware. All of her rigging was hand made.

Dillon Sport C

Builder Name:
Bob Dillon

This tunnel boat was designed and built for racing in American Powerboat Association class Sport C.Construction is skin on frame plywood using both exterior and marine grades.

Seven Diamonds

Builder Name:
Mark Hanna

Seven Diamonds (named for the seven ash diamonds inlaid in the sides), paddled by Mark and Sheree Hanna on Tom’s Lake in the Hiawatha National Forest will be cruising the quiet waters of northern Michigan.The sides are of 1 1/4 inch northern white cedar that taper out to as much as 2 inches at th