
designer : Chris Beckwith

The i550 is a fast modern sharpie type hull shape owing its roots to the historic sharpies of Long Island Sound. The sharpies were known for their speed and seaworthiness, the i550 picks up where they left off.


Builder Name:
Dave Kalis

When I retired from Coast Guard active duty in 2007, I made a promise to myself to build a boat. Purchased a pirogue kit and plans from Uncle Johns in 2008.


Builder Name:
Hayden Lapiska

A CLC Noreaster Dory built in an apartment garage. She will be fitted with a sloop rig soon.


Builder Name:
Master builder: Walter Connolly Student: Bilal Hito

My 9′6″ Nutshell Pram. I commissioned it to be built by the Long Island School of Wooden Boatbuilding where I lent a hand and became part of the process. I launched it on 9/23/2018 — and can say with confidence that it is the best boat I’ve ever sailed.

Solo Packette

Trevor Paetkau

The Solo Packette is designed for those searching for pack canoe that they can carry to even through the most difficult approaches.

Gustaf and Tolle Lotte

Builder Name:
Thomas Danick

A presentation of the Little Miss Sally boat in Small Boats Monthly inspired me to build the boats for my kids.


Builder Name:

Beetlecat Hull # 43. Originally constructed in 1946. Reframed and replaced transom, keel, and centerboard box. Parts of deck and hull needed to be replaced. Work resembled an archeological dig. In places there were iron fasteners, bronze fasteners and stainless steel screws.


Michael P. Smith

Michael P. Smith, Commander, United States Navy (retired) designed and built boats all of his life, from boats on the Clinton River in Michigan to prams and skiffs on Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island.


Builder Name:
Michael and Teresa Galoob

“Re-launching” under a new green-and-white sail, Rooster Class sailboat #715, SARAH (built in 1982) glides along on Lake Thunderbird, Oklahoma as part of the “Summer Sailstice”.