Paul Edgar sent these pictures of his recently launched MINOQUA, a 22′ Princess sharpie from B & B Yacht Designs.
Paul Edgar sent these pictures of his recently launched MINOQUA, a 22′ Princess sharpie from B & B Yacht Designs.
Self built 30ft sailing ketch, started in 1974 in the Netherlands and completed in 2005 in Brazil according to a self modified design of the English ship’s architect Maurice Griffiths circa 1956. Hull and mast construction entirely of wood.
Built at 1930’s in southern Finland. Mostly pine, as this region boats tend to be. Older boatbuilders say that this is wooden smaller copy of metal boats of the same times. Unfortunately is covered with fiberglass. She is one of two still exists, as far as I know.
Neal Goman of Minneapolis, Minnesota, built this 12′ Wood Duck Hybrid kayak from plans by by Chesapeake Light Craft.
When he was eight years old, Shaw Clifton and and his father, David, built this 8′ flat-bottomed skiff at the Toledo Wooden Boat Show in Toledo, Oregon. They named her COMRADE and rowed her for a while in a local pond, but Shaw’s interests turned elsewhere.
Jack Shenker lives between two lakes in New Jersey, so he needed to build two boats. He started by building LITTLE JOANIE, a Shellback dinghy for fishing on one of the lakes.
Marmetta is a custom 43 foot auxiliary sloop designed by Philip Rhodes originally for Edmund Hayes of Portland, Ore. She is for all intents and purposes a larger edition of the Rhodes 27. She is planked with Port Orford cedar on Oak frames.
David Eikamp writes that he has enjoyed every minute of the two years he spent building SOUND, and Iain Oughtred Spike sailing skiff. He bought the plans from The WoodenBoat Store, then got started on the construction.
Bob Bramble designed and built this 13′ sailboat, which he calls LITTLE BOAT to sail in the lower Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia.
THE EMERALD is a Six-Hour canoe built by Roger Kofler of Jennings Lodge, Oregon. Roger followed plans in WoodenBoat No.