Oar / Paddle
Hyak is a single kayak designed for multi-day excursions and recreational racing.
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Hyak is a single kayak designed for multi-day excursions and recreational racing.
A narrow beam and shallow arch hull make the Canadien ideal for general-purpose paddling and light tripping.
A refinement of the traditional Swampscott working dory for recreational use.
Plans include nine different rigs.
Construction: Glued lapstrake plywood over sawn frames.
Alternative construction: Traditional dory construction.
No lofting required.
Lapstrake-plywood daysailer with a shapely wineglass transom, unstayed sprit rig, and wide, flat, keels for easy trailering.
Construction: Lapstrake plywood planking over steam-bent frames.
Alternative construction: Cold-molded or strip.
No lofting is required.
The sharply raked stem and well shaped forward sections will provide increasing buoyancy as the Endeavour punches into large waves.
The candlefish is a versatile small fishing boat. Originally designed to be a cartoppable fishing skiff for high latitude rivers and lakes, she has also proven to be an excellent yacht tender.
26′ Auxiliary KetchBased on a traditional fishing vessel type called a “Cowhorn” this design features an inboard engine and ballast keel.The arrangement provides two berths, a head and modest galley.
This boat is happy playing near the beach, on portages or off on a two week canoe trip.
Athey is a 15' open water recreational rower for one or two based on a lines sketch by N. G. Herreshoff. Built from 4, 6 and 9mm glued lapstrake plywood, she weighs just 65 pounds and is cartopped.
Built by owner in 2023 to lines and offsets in The Dory Book by John Gardner.
34' Fred Lenfesty lobster pleasure, 1981. Moonshine. 2014 Crusader 425-hp.
1960 16’ Thompson Seacoaster w/ 1963 Evinrude 40-hp Big Twin outboard.