Puget Sound Cruiser
Originally designed for WoodenBoat Magazine’s Design Competition II, Puget Sound Cruiser is an efficient, rugged, comfortable cruiser that can sleep two comfortably, or four in a pinch.
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Originally designed for WoodenBoat Magazine’s Design Competition II, Puget Sound Cruiser is an efficient, rugged, comfortable cruiser that can sleep two comfortably, or four in a pinch.
Safe, seaworthy, shoal-draft double-ender, with a flat bottom and centerboard. Lofting is required. Plans include 4 sheets.
The Chesapeake touring kayaks are icons in the sea kayaking world. Built in the thousands in dozens of countries around the world, the Chesapeakes are solid-tracking, comfortable kayaks.
A deep-V bottomed, open runabout built of plywood over sawn frames.
Construction: Plywood planking over sawn frames
Lofting is required.
Plans include 5 sheets.
21′ 2″ Inboard/outboard runabout, built of marine plywood.Several design options include center console, outboard as well as inboard/outboard.And, configurations also include different heights for the windshield.Construction: Plywood.Lofting is required.Plans include 5 sheets.
SCHIZZO is a simple, essential, versatil motorboat, suitable for novice boatbuilders.
Keel/centerboard cutter designed by Edward Burgess in 1888 and first of his “Compromise 40-footers”.The plans produce a model that is 25″ long.You’ll receive 4 pages of plans historical information about the boat and step-by-step instructions for half-hull building,using the lift method.There are
The “gozzo” is a traditional Italian fishing boat still very popular. With a length of 4 m our GOZZO 400 has the minimum size which allows to maintain all the advantages connected to this type of
This dinghy could be considered a big little boat.
She has a lot of excellent qualities: excellent rowing and sailing ability, easy construction, and mannerly towing habits.
Construction: Glued-lapstrake plywood.
Alternative Construction: Traditional lapstrake.
Built by owner in 2023 to lines and offsets in The Dory Book by John Gardner.
34' Fred Lenfesty lobster pleasure, 1981. Moonshine. 2014 Crusader 425-hp.
1960 16’ Thompson Seacoaster w/ 1963 Evinrude 40-hp Big Twin outboard.