Sailboats - Daysailers


 Under license from the MIT’s Hart Nautical Collections, Doug Hylan and Maynard Bray have collaborated to produce a highly detailed builder’s package for both amateur and professional builders, as well as students of Herreshoff’s work. Nathanael Herreshoff designed Coquina for his own use in the winter of 1889, and used her for may years, perhaps longer that any other of his personal yachts. Herreshoff wrote in some detail of Coquina in his later life: “I sailed quite often, both summer and winter.” Surely such a boat, used so much and remembered so fondly by a man of Herreshoff’s means and experience, must have applications for today’s sailors. PLANS are fully detailed, and consist of 11 sheets including Herreshoff’s original construction drawing. COMPACT DISC — also available, a CD in Adobe Acrobat format containing over 500 photos of both traditional and glued lapstrake plywood construction, covering every aspect of building, rigging and sailing these wonderful boats.

From the Community


Boats Plans and Kits