Sailboats - Cruising

BRANDO Footy Plans

The “Footy” class, for boats which fit within a 12″ x 6″ box.We think you’ll find this design completely irresistable.Designed by Flavio Faloci a naval architect based in Genova, Italy, BRANDO includes 12 pages of plans, detailed building instructions, and complies with Footy class rules for radio control use.Is this a project for a beginner model builder? No not really.Servos, receivers are available from your local hobby shop, or via Tower Hobbies, 1.800.637.6050 (

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Celebrity Sloop #575

1964 Celebrity Sloop #575. Built in Holland. 19’8”, 6’4” beam, 800 lbs. Centerboard, draws 3’.