Sailboats - Cruising
BRANDO Footy Plans
The “Footy” class, for boats which fit within a 12″ x 6″ box.We think you’ll find this design completely irresistable.Designed by Flavio Faloci a naval architect based in Genova, Italy, BRANDO includes 12 pages of plans, detailed building instructions, and complies with Footy class rules for radio control use.Is this a project for a beginner model builder? No not really.Servos, receivers are available from your local hobby shop, or via Tower Hobbies, 1.800.637.6050 (www.towerhobbies.com).
Design Specifications
The WoodenBoat Store
Post Office Box 78
Brooklin, Maine 04616 USA
Phone: 1.800.273.7447