Oar / Paddle

Arctic Hawk

As much functional sculpture as sea kayak, the Arctic Hawk™ could be the most refined stitch-and-glue watercraft anywhere in the world.  With this kit comes a resource that puts the talents of Arctic Hawk™ designer and master boatbuilder Mark A. Rogers right in the shop with you. That resource is the Arctic Hawk’s™ remarkable instruction book, an educational masterpiece. Follow the extravagantly illustrated book’s straightforward instructions from start to finish, and you will have an Arctic Hawk of unique beauty, strength, and longevity.The Arctic Hawk™ is an 18-foot medium volume touring kayak, drawn by Mark Rogers following the traditional skin boat designs of West Greenland. Mr. Rogers, of Superior Kayaks, Inc., is a respected designer who in turn respects the traditional design wisdom embodied in skin boats. This high-performance kit is made of okoume mahogany plywood and manufactured and packaged by Chesapeake Light Craft to the highest standards. 

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