Wood/Sails/Dreams Documentary Film Honors Wooden Boats

The craft of building, restoring and loving wooden boats will be celebrated Friday, February 14 at the North Carolina Maritime Museum in Beaufort with the screening of the documentary film, Wood/Sails/Dreams. The feature length documentary film about the resurgence of wooden sailboats, the preservation of American marine history, and the craft of building boats made from trees and powered by the wind.

The film honors an industry that might have disappeared 40 years ago were it not for a group of passionate wooden boat enthusiasts.

Narrated by WoodenBoat Magazine founder and publisher Jon Wilson, the film takes audiences from the rag tag regattas of the 1970s to today’s wooden boat world, in search of the soul of wooden sailboats. The film gives a great a visual experience for all who loves wind and sea .. or just simply great photography.

Wood/Sails/Dreams was directed and written by John Stanton who will lead a Q & A after the screening. The event is free and open to the public. A $5 donation per person is suggested. The screening begins at 7 p.m.

Reservations can be made in advance at 252.728.7317.
The North Carolina Maritime Museum, 315 Front Street, Beaufort, NC 28516.

Beaufort, North Carolina

Email maritime@ncdcr.gov. Reservations can be made in advance at 252.728.7317.

From the Community

Register of Wooden Boats

Register of Wooden Boats


MYST is an Oughtred Elfyn, built in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and now sailing Puget So

Register of Wooden Boats


ROB ROY is a 57 foot Bermudian yawl designed by Arthur Cecil Robb in 1956.
