South Australian Wooden Boat Festival


South Australia’s finest wooden boats gather at Goolwa on the River Murray biennially for the Wooden Boat Festival. There are boats aplenty, on water and land, ranging from canoes and rowing skiffs, to traditional wooden boats large and small.

The Festival extends from the Goolwa Wharf Precinct along the Murray River to include Armfield Slip, the Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club, Fleurieu Function Centre, Aquacafe and the Goolwa Aquatic Club. At the Goolwa Wharf Precinct you can enjoy local food, wine and beer and great viewing of all the on-water activities.

The Rough and Ready boat building competition is always a feature; 2017 had an additional twist – competition for innovative environmentally friendly powering systems!

Goolwa Wharf, South Australia

info @ ~

From the Community



41' Performance Sloop

Main and jib only broad reach > 11.5 knots. Located Santa Barbara Harbor. 2010 build.