On the Newstand and Digital Library Now - January/February 2025 Issue No. 302 Preview

Register of Wooden Boats
The Register of Wooden Boats lists information about wooden boats 10′ LOA (length overall) and above. It came into being after, and because, the annual Lloyd’s Register of American Yachts and the subsequent short-lived North American Yacht Register ceased publication. To submit your boat for inclusion in the Register of Wooden Boats, follow the instructions on this page. All submissions are subject to editing and approval.
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8091 Results
From the Community
Classic Racing Sloop
“SEVERN II” International 8 metre class, Sira cup division. LOA 14.86, Beam 2.56, Draft 1.95.
Gaff-Rigged, Sharpie, Leeboard Schooner - Phil Bolger Design
Terrific trailerable cruiser, set up properly for a couple to explore remote cruising grounds for
1959 Geerd Hendel Raised Deck Cutter 35’ for Sale
Mahogany on oak, teak deck, Silicon bronze refastened, cast iron keel refastened, Solid, sea-wort
1959 Chris Craft 40' Sea Skiff Lapstrake Hull $42,000
Twin 427 CC Ford Engines, Low Hours, Awlgrip Paint, Shed Kept, Cold Mold Epoxy Bottom, Refastened