An original John Alden Indian, the HIGH TIME was purchased in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, in about 1955 by Max Putzel. She was already about 30 years old and looked it, but she was a fine boat, and he and his family sailed her on Long Island, Fishers, and Rhode Island Sounds for nearly 20 years. The boat was passed down to the eldest of nine siblings, who relaunched her on Lake Memphremagog in Quebec, where she remained in regular use until she capsized in a storm and split open her seams sometime in the 1980s. HIGH TIME spent the next two decades in a forlorn state, awaiting repair, until the Carpenter’s Boat Shop in Pemaquid, Maine, accepted her as a restoration project for the Apprentice Class of 2014. For a description and photos of the work the apprentices did, see the shop’s blog at www.rightingmoment.com. She was relaunched at Bittersweet Landing Boatyard at the Gut in South Bristol, Maine, on June 23, 2014, and is moored on the Damariscotta.

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Boat Launchings