ENA II was built between 1936 and 1938 by John Beattie’s Boatyard in Balmain Sydney. Anecdotally she was designed by Cecil Boden whilst he was a Naval Architect at Cockatoo Dock. Myth suggests she was built as a miniature pearling lugger although her graceful lines are more reminiscent of typical yachts of that era designed by William Fyfe or John Alden.

Above the waterline she has the character of the Alden Malabar 13; however below the waterline she has a long deadwood keel reminiscent of the pearling lugger. I have a photograph of her careened in the creek at Percy Island alongside the pearling lugger RUBY CHARLOTTE, the under water profiles are very similar. Lloyds Register of Yachts 1953 lists her designer as C Boton, perhaps a misprint.

ENA II is of carvel construction built from spotted gum below the waterline and brown gum topsides. She has traditional oakum caulking. She carries a lead keel and a considerable amount of lead ballast under the floors. Perhaps she did not float on her waterline when originally launched necessitating the adjustment. When we bought her she still had a wooden shaft to the rudder hanging in a trunk packed with tallow and pitch. The marks made by the hand tools used to form the elements of the keel can still be witnessed. Many a Shipwright has commented upon her sturdy form and enduring condition.

Originally she was a gaff rigged by Harry West as a ketch which I believe was altered after the 2nd World War to a gaff rigged schooner. This must have been changed again in the 60s as the current mast composite construction and resinol glues used suggest current masts constructed in the 1960’s.

I have photos from Warwick Logan showing the yacht sailing in Jervis Bay rigged as a Bermudan Ketch. Her previous owner re-stepped the main mast aft and sold the mizzen. She is now rigged as a Jib Headed Cutter with Staysail, Yankee and Genoa hanked from the mast head. We since met the person who bought he mizzen and proudly proclaimed it still stands in his Yacht.

The 1954 Register of Yachts shows her powered by a Clae engine.

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