CAPTAIN KIDD is hull # 1298 and was built by Herreshoff Manufacturing Co. in 1936. She was likely the last Herreshoff 12 built with oak trim. Over her long lifetime, her transom had been replaced in mahogany, hardware had been lost and mis-replaced and her oak trim painted. Her restoration by Ballentine's Boat Shop brought her back to originality and authenticity and she remains as an accurate example of the Herreshoff legacy.

The complete restoration included steaming new oak frames to replace the tired originals. Additionally, all of her original planking was completely replaced. New deck beams were fit and a plywood deck laid down on top covered in fiberglass and painted with non-skid particles. While a new keelson and floor timbers were installed, the original lead ballast and yellow pine deadwood were able to be reused. The final touch was the re-installation of her original Herreshoff builder’s plate (Hull #1298).

From the Community



Penobscot 14

Thia is an Arch Davis design, nicely built. An excellent boat under oars or sail.