Choosing Proper Length Oars


In Getting Started in Boats No. 38, which was bound into WB No. 230, we discussed how to choose a proper dinghy. In that article, we made reference to choosing oars of the proper length for your boat. Here’s a handy formula shared by the well-known wooden oar makers Shaw & Tenney of Orono, Maine ( —Eds.

Oar length drawing.

Shaw & Tenney Oar Length Formula for Correctly Fitted Oars

  • Inboard length of the loom equals ½ the span between the oarlocks + 2″
  • Total length of oar equals 1/7 of inboard length multiplied by 25
  • Distance from the center of leather to end of grip equals 7/25 of the total length of the oar

Oars measured according to this formula will have a leverage ratio of 7:18.

Measuring oars drawing.

From the Community

Register of Wooden Boats

Register of Wooden Boats


MYST is an Oughtred Elfyn, built in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and now sailing Puget So

Register of Wooden Boats


ROB ROY is a 57 foot Bermudian yawl designed by Arthur Cecil Robb in 1956.
