Winter Adventure Series: the film, "Maiden"
The feature film “Maiden” tells the true story of how Tracy Edwards, a 24-year-old charter boat cook, became the skipper of the first ever all-female crew to enter the famous Whitbread Round the World Sailing Race in 1989.
Tracy’s inspirational dream was opposed on all sides. Her male competitors thought an all-women crew would never make it, the chauvanistic yachting press took bets on her failure and potential sponsors rejected her, fearing that she and her crew would perish at sea and generate bad publicity. Tracy refused to give up and the rest is history. Starts 6:30 p.m.
The Winter Adventure Series, co-sponsored by Come Boating! and the Belfast Free Library is free to the public and held from 6:30 to 8:30 on the third Tuesday of the month, Jan. to April. See the sidebar of this page for details.
207-370-5856 ~ info @