Saint-Petersburg Classic Yacht Week


Saint-Petersburg Classic Yacht Week is the final leg of the racing series for classic yachts in the Baltic Classic Circuit organized by Scandinavian Classic Yacht Trust. Participants will include classic yachts of St. Petersburg such as, Mirame; Nayada; Zvezda; the national yacht class of Russia, L-6; Swiss and Russian 8mR  Associations; Russian 12mR Association; Old Gaffer Association (England); and Lindauer Segler-Club (Germany). During the week the Old Windsurfing Cup will be held. The champions of the last century will participate and, for the first time, the public can get acquainted with the legends of Russian windsurfing.

Peter-and-Paul Fortress, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Andrei Groshikov,  8(921)933-53-28;;

From the Community

Register of Wooden Boats




Ace 14 day sailor designed by Arch Davis. Completed 2024.