Sailors' Lecture Series: The Adventures & History of the TABOR BOY
The Sailors’ Series is an annual, legacy lecture series of the New Bedford Whaling Museum that presents a wide variety of experiences and adventures by individuals with lifelong commitments to sailing, boats, and the sea.
For the first Sailors’ Series lecture of the season we will welcome the captain and crew of the TABOR BOY. Captain James Geil and his Tabor Academy high school student crew aboard the 100-year-old schooner TABOR BOY headed south as part of the 645-mile Marion to Bermuda Cruising Yacht Race…. and they won their class!
“Cap” and his student crew will share their training, the thrill of racing, and how they found Bermuda using only the celestial navigation learned at Tabor.
6:30 p.m. reception; 7 p.m. presentation. Museum members $15; non-members $25; Tabor Academy alumni $15. Tickets are available online or by calling 508-997-0046 x100.
508-997-0046 x100