Rare Film Footage: 1940 National Whitewater Championships in Maine

The Winter Adventure Series continues at the Belfast Free Library on Tuesday, March 19, 6:30 p.m., with a screening of rare film footage from the 1940 National Whitewater Championships held on western Maine’s Rapid River. Renowned author and canoeist Zip Kellogg will present the film, which was was missing for about 70 years, that he found in the archives of Northeast Historic Film. Zip puts the race in the context of its time using some informative and hilarious notes and letters he has turned up. This is an action-packed film in which not everyone went home after the race with the same boat—if they took a boat at all!

The talk, co-sponsored by Come Boating! Belfast’s Community Boating Organization and the Belfast Free Library, is free and open to all.

106 High St., Belfast, Maine

Belfast Free Library: 207-338-3884 ext.10

From the Community

Boat Launchings

Boat Launchings


The boat was designed and built in the spring and summer of 2024.
