Portage Lakes Ohio, Antique Boat Show

Unfortunately the boat show like many social gatherings which exceed the Governor’s guidelines has been cancelled for 2020. We wrestled with this decision for two months. The board and boat show committee of the Antique and Classic Boat Society’s North Coast Ohio chapter tried to come up with a way to hold the show at the two restaurants who graciously host the event and maintain social distancing to insure the health of the participants and public. We could not insure either so the decision was made to plan on the show returning in 2021.

We are saddened for the loss of this show that has enjoyed a continuous run since 1974. We are thankful for all the show sponsors and the viewing public for their understanding.
Walt Stashkiw
Show Publicity Chair

From the Community



R class sloop 1924

R class sloop 1924. Burgess Swasey Paine design. Fully restored, in racing trim.


18' Port Townsend Skiff

"While Aweigh" is an 18' 6" Port Townsend Skiff, lovingly built and cared for, a head-turner on e