Maine Boatbuilders Show


A gathering of the finest fiberglass and wooden custom boat builders on the East Coast: sailboats, powerboats, canoes, kayaks, and rowing boats with the builders there to discuss and sell their work. Also exhibiting will be numerous manufacturers of boating equipment.

A Guinness world record holder is coming to the show. It is a 25', 5,000-pound, 3D-printed boat by the Advanced Structures and Composites Center at the University of Maine in Orono. For more info: and Click here  for a time-lapse video of the printing process.   

The lead developer of the 3D boat will be giving seminars. We invite any high school to visit the show at no charge to see the opportunities for employment in Maine’s diverse marine market. Schools that would like to attend please contact Mike Aaskov   

This will be the NINTH year for the Maine Marine Troubleshooting Competition between the Maine Vocational High schools, 10-12 Saturday. LOOKING for employees? This is the place! 

Maine Maritime Academy Alumni will hold a Maritime Flea Market all three days with proceeds going to support Maine Maritime Academy scholarships. 

See the show’s website for the list of exhibitors, schedule of events, maps and MORE!

Portland Sports Complex, 512 Warren Ave., Portland, Maine

Portland Yacht Services ~ 207-774-1067

From the Community


Boat Launchings

Boat Launchings

Belize rowboat

Built at our winter home in Belize from local woods:  Honduras mahogany for frames, stringers, et