Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival


Visit the 36th annual Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival for an old-fashioned, down-home waterfront festival where everything is fun, almost everything is free, and not too much is fancy. It's as authentically grassroots American as you can get. View more than 130 visiting wooden vessels in addition to The Center for Wooden Boat’s fleet of more than 50 boats. Free boat rides, a 24-hour Quick & Daring Boatbuilding Challenge, exhibits, music, food and more. In Seattle, Washington at CWB and the adjacent at Lake Union Park. Admission is FREE! 

Seattle, Washington

Event Information at or contact Erin Schiedler at The Center for Wooden Boats, 1010 Valley Street, Seattle, WA 98109,, 206-382-2628.

From the Community



2023 Chaisson Dory

Built by Cottrell Boat Builders in Maine and shipped to San Diego, CA.