Community Boatbuilding Event in Fair Haven, New Jersey
Navesink Maritime Heritage Association (NMHA) is pleased to announce that teams of adults and teenagers will be building wooden canoes on June 9 and June 10. Work starts promptly at 8 a.m. each day. On Sunday afternoon at about 2 p.m. the finished canoes will be paraded down Batten Road to Fair Haven boat ramp for launching. From start to paddling in less than two days!
The Six-Hour Canoe was designed by Mike O'Brien to make use of two leftover sheets of plywood and
is quite simple to build. Thousands of Six-Hour Canoes have been built worldwide. NMHA built a number of Six-Hour Canoes at its first Wooden Boat Festival/community event in 1999. Since that time about 100 of these boats have been built under NMHA supervision, and the boat has become the standard
design for NMHA’s River Rangers summer program for kids, ages 10-14, which runs for five weeks in July and
August each year.
Michael Humphreys, 732-530-7954; myhumphreys@gmail.com; www.navesinkmaritime.org.