Cedar Key Small Boat Meet


The 32nd Cedar Key small boat meet is the first full weekend in May. In 2016 it’s May 6-8. 

The meet is still informal. There are no planned events on the water. There are neither signups nor fees. Tides & weather remain the organization. Good weather is forecast. 

All shallow draft boats are welcome: rowing & paddling craft; jonboats, catboats & catamarans; trimarans & proas; punts, pirogues & pirates’ gigs; sampans, sharpies & scows; &, of course, duckboats & dinghies.

Cedar Key is renowned for its thriving food chain ashore & in the water. Two National Wildlife Refuges assure it—Cedar Keys NWR & the Lower Suwannee NWR. In Cedar Keys’ saltmarshes, & among its inshore & offshore islands, fishing, birding, bug, tide & weather observing are as good as, or better than, anywhere.  ~Hugh Horton

For information call:
Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce, 352 543 5600
Dave Lucas, 941 704 6736, skipjack@tampabay.rr.com 
Hugh Horton 586 215 7060, huhorton@gmail.com

Cedar Key FL

For information call:
Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce, 352 543 5600
Dave Lucas, 941 704 6736, skipjack@tampabay.rr.com 
Hugh Horton 586 215 7060, huhorton@gmail.com

From the Community



Welsford Navigator

15', gunter rigged yawl, hinged mast, built 2019, epoxy plywood construction. $10,500.

Register of Wooden Boats