“Catboats! - An Old Sculpin Celebration”
Please join the Old Sculpin Gallery on Martha’s Vineyard as we once again host “Catboats! - An Old Sculpin Celebration” July 16-22, 2022.
The week’s activities include a glorious Parade of Sail throughout Edgartown Harbor and the Manuel Swartz Roberts Cup Race immediately following the parade on Saturday, July 16. All catboats are welcome! Please contact Capt. Kurt Peterson: catboatkurt@yahoo.com to register your boat in the event by July 1.
The week-long art, artifact and archival photography exhibit honors the legacy of Manuel Swartz Roberts who built over 200 catboats in the the wooden shop that became the Old Sculpin Gallery, home to the Martha’s Vineyard Art Association. Of particular interest in the exhibit are a number of oral histories recounting Manuel’s warm and generous spirit by folks who knew him personally and a display of tools from his personal collection.
A few catboats originally designed and built by Mr. Roberts will be among the vessels participating in the event. OLD SCULPIN, built in 1912, is being restored this winter by Gannon and Benjamin Marine Railway in Vineyard Haven. VANITY, owned by the MV Museum and built in 1929 as a scalloper and fishing boat, and MARGARET, restored by owner Bob Luckraft and built in 1920 will also be part of the fleet.
For more information contact: June Schoppe juneschoppe@gmail.com, Event Chair. Hope to see you!
To register your boat in the Parade/Race contact Kurt Peterson by July 1: catboatkurt@yahoo.comFor information about the event and exhibit contact June Schoppe: juneschoppe@gmail.com