Castine Classic Yacht Race/Lobsterboat Celebration


The fifteenth annual Castine Classic Yacht Race to Camden will start at about 11:45 on Thursday, July 31st. This year's race will celebrate the iconic Maine lobsterboats and their lobsteryacht progeny--with an exhibition at the Castine Town Dock from 12 noon to 3:30 on Wednesday, July 30 and a Symposium at MMA Delano Auditorium from 4:00-6:00.

The Symposium, chaired by Jon Johansen, Editor of Maine Coastal News, will feature an all-star cast of designers and builders. For race notice/registration form and preliminary sailing instructions, see

Castine Town Dock and MMA Delano Auditorium

David Bicks,

From the Community

Register of Wooden Boats




Ace 14 day sailor designed by Arch Davis. Completed 2024.