Cape Fear Community College Riverfront Boat Show

Cape Fear Community College Boat Building Program in Wilmington NC is excited about this year’s Riverfront Boat Show!

March 28, 2020, Saturday from 9:30-4:30 with dock and land access for vessels of all sizes! The boat show serves as an annual celebration of the craft of boat building and to raise scholarship funds for students in CFCC’s boat building programs. Held on the banks of the Cape Fear River in downtown Wilmington, CFCC’s boat show attracts thousands of visitors every year.


CFCC Wilmington Campus on the riverfront on Water St. (between the Hilton and Coastline Convention Center)., Wilmington, NC 28401

Mark Bayne: 910-362-7151 ~ mwbayne035 @

From the Community



Classic Racing Sloop

“SEVERN II” International 8 metre class, Sira cup division. LOA 14.86, Beam 2.56, Draft 1.95.

Register of Wooden Boats