27th annual Vancouver Wooden Boat Festival


Ahoy there! Afloat and ashore there will be big boats and small boats, sail boats and power boats, fishing boats and tug boats, row boats and kayaks – a little something for everyone. Beware the “Buccaneers of the Black Fleet” roaming the site daily and up to maritime shenanigans! Learn to tie some knots, participate in kid's boat building, family boat building, sing some sea shanties and maritime ballads or partake in a Viking raid. There will be small boat races on Saturday and the “Spruce Cup” race for larger sailing vessels out on English Bay on Sunday afternoon. You will end up with a celebration of our North West Coast Maritime Heritage.

on Granville Island, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Jan Bellamy, Executive Director
604 688-9622

From the Community

Boat Launchings

Boat Launchings

Belize rowboat

Built at our winter home in Belize from local woods:  Honduras mahogany for frames, stringers, et
