13 foot sport kayak to be used on Nantucket Sound and the harbors and backwaters of Cape Cod.
13 foot sport kayak to be used on Nantucket Sound and the harbors and backwaters of Cape Cod.
The Workstar 17, as Explorer, Fisherman and Rescue models.Designed using the Prefix System™ by Rob Humphries and Working Boats UK Ltd (the predecessor of Pacific Workboats cc), the Workstar 17 is built from a kit of profiled 1/2″ (12mm) and 3/4″ (18mm) marine plywood.
KATIE MACK was built in 1932 by J.D. & W.L. McGregor as HOALOHA in Vancouver, B.C., with no interior as a rumrunner, converted into a yacht by Boeing Canada in 1936. Sold to the U.S.
Manasek was traditional construction - in old times used by Scouts in Czech republic. It was easy to build — just from three wide boards. It was paddled by double blade paddle.
Backsplash = backpack kayak.
Combine hiking and paddling
Go to fishing on remote lakes,
Build when storage space is limited.
Living on city? – take a boat on your back and walk to shore to for paddling?
North Carolina resident Bob Curtis recently celebrated the launching of his BABY TENDER II in December 2017, when his granddaughter and brand-new boat captain, Laine Irene Butler, arrived home home from the hospital.
An Auklet, drawn by Iain Oughtred, built during past winter in the evenings, while hearing good music, finding a center between boat design, wood, music, my hands, tools and myself. It’s supposed to be a tender for my S/Y Rondine, driven by oars and an electric outboards.
The idea was a boat that handles like a good racing dinghy, but is much easier to store and transport. Rooftop.