N' Slower

Builder Name:
Preston and Robert Louie

I found I was in need of a dinghy that needed little maintenance, so I shopped around and found that everything available was either sprayed fiberglass or press formed plastic. The cheap plastic and over priced fiberglass models just weren’t my cup of tea so I decided to design one myself.


Year Built:

ENA II was built between 1936 and 1938 by John Beattie’s Boatyard in Balmain Sydney. Anecdotally she was designed by Cecil Boden whilst he was a Naval Architect at Cockatoo Dock.


Builder Name:
Mark Evans

Bounty was built and launched in the UK by Mark Evans of Kentish Boats. With a set of 6′ 10″ oars it rows very easily and can take 367lbs of people or kit.