Very simple workboat for outboard motor power. Suits 8 to 30 hp motors,carry up to six persons, can be built longer or shorter as required.
If you’re in the market for a boat to build, this directory of Boat Plans & Kits is a fine place to start. And if your company sells plans or kits, we invite you to list your offerings here. There is no charge for listing, but the featured boats must be built of wood. To refine your search of this directory, use quotation marks. If you search Nutshell Pram Kit, you’ll receive all the listings that include the words Nutshell, Pram, and Kit. To refine your search, enter “Nutshell Pram Kit”; you’ll then see only the results for Nutshell Pram kits.
To refine your search, add quote marks. If you search Nutshell Pram Kit, you will get all the listings which include Nutshell, Pram, and Kit. To refine, search “Nutshell Pram Kit” and you’ll see just Nutshell Pram Kit results.
Very simple workboat for outboard motor power. Suits 8 to 30 hp motors,carry up to six persons, can be built longer or shorter as required.
Construction: Glued lapstrake plywood. Alternative construction: Traditional planking, cold molded, strip plank, epoxy-fiberglass. No Lofting required. Plans include 5 sheets.
The success of the proven Chesapeake™ hull shape led quickly to demands for similar three-person designs. With a 700lbs payload and surprising speed.
The Wood Duck 12 is a beautiful, easy to use recreational kayak - Here we have beautiful little kayak designed for just about everyone to enjoy on the water.
It rows, it tows and it sails; it's a convenient 7' 9" long and easy on the eyes; and it's a wonderful kit to build, taking a novice only 40-50 hours to assemble plus a little more for finishing.
This is a centerboard cruising boat for couples and small families. Lightweight and strong, it can be easily hauled with a trailer. Construction: Plywood topsides over bulkheads and stringers; strip planked bottom Lofting is required. Plans include 6 sheets.
Round-bottomed, carvel-planked powerboat with two berths and a single 300-hp engine.
Construction: Carvel planked over steamed frames.
Alternative construction: Strip or cold-molded
Lofting is required.
Plans include 5 sheets.
You can enjoy paddling easier and funnier with less budget because it’s made of plywood, sectional and you can build one in a week.
Full restoration (2004-'08) of 1940 Borreson. Length 29.2ft. Beam 6.4ft.
Hull #1092 1928 restored; with new stem, starboard planking, stern post, frames (11), enlarged ma
Bald Mountain Boat Works, 45' trawler. Built by and for James S Rockefeller Jr.