Sailboats - Daysailers
SIRI’s design began when Brooklin boatbuilder Eric Jacobssen of North Brooklin Boats approached me about developing a set of plans for a cold molded version of IRIS, a lovely little canoe yawl that appeared in the August 2, 1888 issue of Forest and Stream Magazine. IRIS would have attracted the attentions of devotees of the canoe cruising craze that was sweeping Europe, and particularly England, at that time. So here is SIRI, an updated version of IRIS. Modern construction and a few extra calculations allow her to carry all her generous ballast on the bottom of the keel, where it does the most good. Five inches of additional beam will help keep her on her feet in a breeze. Click to see more information about this design.
Design Specifications
53 Benjamin River Drive Brooklin ME 04616 Phone: 207-359-9807