Motorboats - Outboard
Macomber 15
The Macomber 15 is a traditionally built flat bottom Westport River Skiff. She is built of white oak and mahogany and planked with eastern white pine. It's workboat roots, shallow draft and stability make it a great choice for picnicking, fishing, shellfishing, or simply messing about. All aspects of the boats design and construction are “overbuilt” to assure a long and useful life with nothing more than the usual proper care and maintanace that a well built wooden boat deserves.The plans package consists of 3 pages of scaled drawings, a 10 page builders guide. The plans show in detail how to build the jig, and structural members of the hull. The builders guide walks you through the building of the hull.
Design Specifications
18537 Vina Drive, Los Gatos CA, 95033scott71.sg@gmail.com