Sailboats - Cruising

Lion 800

New Lion 800 is a continuation of a series of plywood yacht designed by the company Unik Yachts.

The main idea of a series of yachts Lion is to maximize the manufacturability of the design and the ability to self-built yacht from a kit of parts cut on the CNC machine.

The yacht meets all modern safety requirements and provides a high level of comfort on Board, with a very modest budget. In a series of yachts Lion we are trying to break the stereotype of what a yacht is a fixture in the elite, we design yachts available to everyone. The cost of a fully equipped yacht close to the cost of a small car.

The yacht is the twin aft cabin, double bow cabin, large saloon, galley with sink and gas stove, a latrine.

The yacht is designed in two versions, with lifting keel and shallow-draft 0.3/1.7 m and with a constant ballast keel with a draught of 1.7 m.

The yacht is available in several versions.
Fully equipped and ready to sail.
Assembled the hull for self-completion.
Kit – a set cut in pure size parts of a set and plating, for self-built.

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