Oar / Paddle
F1430 Fishing Kayak
The F1430 is a unique sit-on-top stitch and glue kayak. Combining stunning classic looks with modern wood-epoxy construction, this kayak will easily weight in at less than half of your typical rotomoulded fishing yak; And as we’re already realizing, once you’re on the water, you’ll catch not only fish but plenty of attention from fellow paddlers.Deceptively simple to build, it boasts plenty of stability (enough for the designer to stand up for a selfie!), lots of storage with the possibility of converting one of the two day hatches to a live-bait well. Innovative cedar scuppers both in the cockpit and in the storage area. Fully water tight forward hatch will allow stowage of gear and extra cloths. The design lends itself well to a conversion to various pedal drive systems, again by converting one of the two day-hatch compartments.
Design Specifications
Bedard Yacht Design LLC
42160 US19N #25
Tarpon Springs FL