Sailboats - Daysailers

Chesapeake Crab Skiff

Based on traditional crabbing skiff documentation by Howard Chapelle, this has proven to be a fast and stable boat that can carry a real load. While primarily a sailing skiff, she is reasonably handy under oars and easily driven with a tiny outboard. She also display good manners when towed.As Mike O'Brien said in his WoodenBoat design review, "Doug Hylan has drawn a striking skiff that looks sharp in any company." Plans are on four sheets: Lines and offsets, construction, leg o' mutton sail plan and sprit sail plan.Traditional detailing is combined with easy maintenance and simple plywood construction.See our website for more information about this design.

From the Community



41' Performance Sloop

Main and jib only broad reach > 11.5 knots. Located Santa Barbara Harbor. 2010 build.